Te Kahu o Taonui Fully Supports The Decision To Move Waitangi Commemorations To An Online 'Virtual' Experience'

Monday 31 January 2022
As the annual commemorations for Te Tiriti o Waitangi approach, Te Kahuo Taonui would like to issue its support for the decision to move allcelebrations and activity onto an online platform.
The decision was made by the Waitangi National Trust and now Te TiiWaitangi Marae to hold no in-person events during Waitangi Week 2022 due to theinability to host a safe and practical event under the COVID-19 ProtectionFramework.
Te Kahu o Taonui Chairman, Harry Burkhardt, appreciates that it was adecision that was not made lightly and backs all precautions taken to keep ourpeople and rohe safe. “We trust that a virtual experience will be a much saferand more enjoyable way to celebrate Waitangi for our whānau, hapū and Iwi in thesechallenging times”.
Te Poari o Ngātiwai as hosts for the National Iwi Chairs Forum between 2nd– 4th February, will now also host the forum online via zoom. RaukuraCEO for Te Poari o Ngātiwai Huhana Lyndon explains “We planned to host Ngā Iwio Te Tai Tokerau face to face at Waitangi this year while hosting the IwiChairs forum online; but with the Omicron virus at our rohe doorstep we electedto go totally online for safety.”
National Iwi Chairs Forum is an opportunity for Iwi Chairs to connectand plan with the best interests of whānau at the core. While online Te Iwi oNgātiwai will share its kaupapa of this year’s forum ‘ngā waiwhakaataata oNgātiwai – the reflective waters of Ngātiwai. Reflecting on our past movingforward into the future’. Ministers of the government will attend the forumonline also.
Amidst this kōrero, Te Kahu o Taonui continue to strongly encourage whānau to get vaccinated and boosted, wear masks,maintain vigilent hygiene practices and practice social distancing wherepossible. “This includes ensuring our tamariki have just as much opportunity tofight the good fight against COVID-19 as we do, by getting them vaccinatedwhere it is appropriate to do so”.
We would like to reiterate the all-important messagefor our whānau to get tested, stay home & self-isolate if you areexperiencing any COVID-19 symptoms and look out for one another.
Media Enquiries Contact:
Antony Thompson, TeKahu o Taonui Lead CE - 027 323 9811
Huhana Lyndon, Raukura CEO Te Poari o Ngātiwai - 0210744673