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Te Kahu o Taonui urge whānau to stay home, stay safe and get vaccinated

As Iwi Chairs, we are deeply concerned with Covid-19 entering Te Taitokerau and as a collective we say the Government must take a highly precautionary approach and move Te Taitokerau immediately to Alert Level 3.

We know the Delta variant is highly infectious and has the potential to have a devastating impact for all of us in Northland, particularly for our whānau, hapū, and iwi in the rohe. Our best line of defence is vaccination and the strategies we have continuously maintained since COVID-19 came into Aotearoa.If the Government does not move Te Taitokerau to Alert Level 3, we encourage our whānau to act as if they are in Level 3 -this includes staying home, getting tested if unwell, maskwearingand social distancing in public, scanning QR codes or keeping record of your movements for contact tracing purposes, and keeping our whānau bubbles small.

We ask that whānau continue to take a precautionary approach at tangi and unveilings and any large gatherings planned for the long weekendbe postponed. We urge whānau to stay safe, stay home, get vaccinated and if you have symptoms or have been to any of the places of interest –please get tested.

•For all vaccination and testing sites in Taitokerau go to

•For all places of interest in Te Taitokerau keep an eye on

•Stay tuned to our website to keep connected to all of our Iwi activities and updates

Ngāti Kurī –Harry Burkhardt

Te Aupōuri –Rhonda Kite

Ngāi Takoto –Wallace Rivers and Kaio Karipa

Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa –Haami Piripi

Te Rūnanga ā Iwi ō Ngāti Kahu – Professor Makere Mutu

Kahukuraariki Trust – Teresa Tepania-Ashton

Te Rūnanga o Whaingaroa – Mariameno Kapa-Kingi

Te Roroā – Thomas Hohaia

Te Rūnanga ā Iwi o Ngapuhi – Wane Wharerau

Ngāti Hine – Pita Tipene

Ngāti Wai - Aperahama Edwards

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua –Dame Naida Glavish

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