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Toitū te mana o ngā whānau o Te Tai Tokerau, kia toa, kia mārō, kia puāwai.

Tuatahi ake, ka whakaaro nui atu ki a rātou ngā tini mate o te Tai Tokerau, o Tāmaki Mākaurau, o te motu Whānui nōki, i ngā rā,  i ngā marama, i te tau kua hori.

Ko wētahi o rātou mā ko Nau, ko Titewhai, ko Mere, ko Gwen, ko Patu, ko Jason, ko Haahi, ko Moka, ngā tini mate o tātou. Rātou katoa kua wheturangitia, haere, haere, haere mai haere!

Hoki anō ngā rarangi kōrero ki a koutou e ora tonu ana, tēnā koutou, oti rā, tēnā tātou katoa.


Nei anō mātou o Te Taumata Hauora o Te Kahu o Taonui Iwi-Māori Partnership Board e mihi tonu ana ki a koutou katoa. Koutou ngā whanaunga maha kua tautoko, koutou kua tohea, koutou hoki kua takoto i te mānuka hei wero kia papai ake ngā tini kaupapa i tēnei tau kua hipa.


Tēnā koutou, let my first words in te reo Pākehā be in gratitude to Te Tai Tokerau, from Tāmaki Mākaurau to Te Reinga, we wish to thank you all for your energy, support, challenges, care, aroha, and unwavering commitment to collective well-being, te oranga tonutanga, for our environment, our whānau, our tikanga, and for our mokopuna e haere ake nei.


As this year concludes, we reflect on a challenging and dynamic year for Te Taumata Hauora o Te Kahu o Taonui Iwi-Māori Partnership Board and share some of our hopes and challenges for the future.


In 2023, the IMPB appointed me as General Manager in February and later evolving into a CEO position, a privilege beyond the over-used term 'voluntold', which I find betrays my enormous honour to be asked and entrusted to provide leadership. I shared my welcoming into the IMPB with some amazing and experienced subject matter experts, hauora advocates, and community leaders, Margareth Broodkoorn, Maria Baker, and Trudy Brown. Not long after the Independent Chair Tereki Stewart was appointed to replace Nicole Anderson who steered this waka through new and early turbulent seas, for which we remain grateful. These four new IMPB members all strengthened an already formidable IMPB composed of experienced Iwi leadership, some of whom have since shifted into less challenging environments, like Parliament.  


With a small and effective team and supportive external partners, we strove to meet IMPB demands, advocating tirelessly for increased Crown investment, infrastructure growth, expanded capability, and collaborative efforts to establish those ‘#@#$%^& locality boundaries’ among whānau, hapū, Iwi, and communities. The use of the $13 map from the Kawakawa Mobil Station next to Stumpy’s was an important tool that afforded some levity to some potentially tense conversations about lines on a map, and I am grateful for all your indulgence. The journey is sometimes more important than the destination, some things we have done may be undone, but the process, our conduct, and our enduring relationships ensure we remain agile and able to meet any changes collectively.

Decision making...ensuring that whānau and Iwi are at the core of decision-making and dialogue.

Cognisant of the many, varied, urgent, and chronic challenges many of our whānau are experiencing, we anticipate navigating the new government's policies, understanding that a change in policy and legislation may not address whānau and community identified priorities. We look forward to advocating for, and facilitating, greater authority and decision-making for our whānau, whilst monitoring and holding to account the Crown and their obligations to be a Te Tiriti compliant partner to the rohe.  


As we pause, we acknowledge that our undertakings rely on relationships, integrity, and humility – values we aim to always embody in every encounter. Above all, we acknowledge that our mahi cannot succeed without the most crucial and powerful element – he tangata, he tangata, he tangata. That is the people, the whānau, the communities!

Nā Boyd Broughton

Kaiwhakahaere Matua | Chief Executive Officer – Te Taumata Hauora o Te Kahu o Taonui


Kia ora anō e te whānau,

I want to tautoko and emphasise the kōrero shared by our CEO as we reflect on the remarkable journey of Te Taumata Hauora o Te Kahu o Taonui throughout this past year.

The dedication and honour demonstrated by our CEO and the invaluable contributions of all our IMPB members, Margareth Broodkoorn, Trudy Brown, Maria Baker, Aperahama Edwards, Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, Dame Rangimarie Naida Glavish, Peter-Lucas Jones, Tama Davis, Wane Wharerau, and Wallace Rivers. With forward thinking support from the inaugural Chair Nicole Anderson, Te Kahu o Taonui leadership from Harry Burkhardt, investment expertise from Cynthia Otene, and the rest of our Operations Team, Te Taumata Hauora is positioned well.

Action...our commitment to action not advising.

Our commitment to advancing hauora, the health and well-being of our rohe remains unwavering. The tireless efforts of our team, coupled with the continued advocacy for equity of access, equity of outcomes, and equity of investment, reflect the heart of our kaupapa. These are the 'backbone' to advancing the collective vision of Te Taumata Hauora - Toitū te mana o ngā whānau o Te Tai Tokerau, kia toa, kia mārō, kia puāwai.


As we anticipate the coming year, we acknowledge and prepare for the challenges that a new Government with changes of policy presents, and take stock of our strengths, while focusing on solutions. Our focus on addressing urgent and chronic challenges underscores our dedication to the holistic and inter-generational well-being of our whānau, hapū, and communities. We know 2024 will be a challenging time that will require us all to roll up our sleeves, and we look forward to working with you all, across the hauora eco-system to create real and measurable change for our whānau.


I appreciate the foundational values that guide us – pono, tika, and aroha. These are not just words; they are the pillars upon which our success, or otherwise, rests. It is the strength of our people that propels us forward and challenges us to be better.

Mana Motuhake is inherent in each one of us and does not rely on societal recognition or validation.

Let us carry the spirit of Te Tai Tokerau, the resilience of Tāmaki Mākaurau, the strength of our tupuna moana, the durability of our whenua, the agility of our ancestors, and the optimism of our mokopuna into the new year. Together, we will continue to make a meaningful impact on the hauora and wellbeing to fulfil the potential of our whānau and communities.


Nā, Tereki Stewart

Heamana | Chair – Te Taumata Hauora o Te Kahu o Taonui




Te Taumata Hauora o Te Kahu o Taonui, extends a warm invitation to the Māori health sector and others to join us at some upcoming hauora Māori hui, 'Pae Ora o Te Tai Tokerau' to be held in the Te Tai Tokerau and Tāmaki Mākaurau in 2024.

Dates and venues are to be confirmed in pānui to follow. These hui aim to provide an opportunity to wānanga the IMPB strategies, for collective action within our sector that acknowledges, supports, and leverages off the many and varied existing collectives. Considering the political environment and the proposed repeal of the Pae Ora Healthy Futures legislation, we recognise the evolving landscape and the need for us to come together to strategise, re-vision, and work towards a healthier future for our whānau, hapū, and communities.

Accountability...ensuring the Iwi-Māori Partnership Board remain accountable to whānau, hapū, Iwi, and communities.

These hui as well as being another opportunity for kōrero and reconnection, will be inclusive, acknowledging and celebrating the diverse perspectives within Māori health. We encourage participation with all providers, irrespective of Localities, as we collectively shape the path forward to build infrastructure, capability, and capacity the enables greater decision making and influence by our whānau, for our whānau.

We look forward to your presence at these humble kaupapa and will provide more information and registration details early in the new year.


Nō reira, e aku nui, e aku rahi, ko ngā hua nui o te kirihimete, me te tau hou e pukana mai nei ki a koutou, oti rā ki ō koutou whānau. Tēnā tātou katoa.


Nā mātou, Te Taumata Hauora o Te Kahu o Taonui.

Titiro ki ngā taumata o te moana, kei reira te oranga mō tātou.

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